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Washington State University Entrepreneurship



The Center for Entrepreneurship At Washington State University – Go Cougs

About The Center for Entrepreneurship

Washington State University and our surrounding community offer a wealth of resources for students and alumni who want to create impact, from speaking events to mentorship and seed funding – and The Center for Entrepreneurship is the starting point to discovering all of them!

Established in 1995, the WSU Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE)  opens the world of entrepreneurial opportunity to students and promotes engagement, scholarship, and dialogue across the university and with stakeholders throughout Washington and the world. CfE is open to students from every college and major throughout the WSU system and provides programming, activities, resources, and events that help students identify the next right step for their entrepreneurial journey.

As a senior in college, designing a product and then traveling to Tanzania for hands-on field testing is something I don’t think I would have had the opportunity to do at any other university.— Annalise Miller, Kule co-founder & WSU alumna (Carson College of Business, Entrepreneurship & College of Arts and Sciences, Math – 2017)

Upcoming Events

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Partner With Us

The work of the Center for Entrepreneurship would not be possible without the support of the Cougar Community. Your participation as mentors for student startup teams, Business Plan Competition judges, and financial contributors enables our team to continue the important work of developing students who will become the innovators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

We thank you for your support. We encourage you to learn more about getting and staying, involved in the exciting work we are doing at WSU.




Entrepreneurship Skills and Knowledge Accelerator registration open

PULLMAN, Wash. – The Carson College of Business is running its inaugural WSU Entrepreneurship Skills and Knowledge Accelerator 8 a.m.-5:45 p.m. June 11-15, in Spark 339.

The WSU Entrepreneurship Skills and Knowledge Accelerator (WESKA) is an immersive, week-long accelerator boot camp open to WSU postdoctoral, doctoral and master’s students from any discipline or WSU location who want to learn more about entrepreneurship.

This is not a sit-back and listen course. It is an exciting, dig-deep, learning experience. Activities include analyses, real-time work with ideas, role-plays, videos, group discussions, expert panels, anecdotes, lively social events, practice in financial and market assessment and other tools.

The WESKA curriculum has been designed by Carson College faculty, led by associate professor Arvin Sahaym. Sessions will be led by top WSU faculty in strategic entrepreneurship, finance, management and marketing, with guest presentations by campus, community and alumni experts in start-ups. WESKA is not offered for academic credit.

Participants may apply at the WESKA website until 5 p.m., Friday, May 18. Applications after this date may be considered if space is available. Interested participants are strongly encouraged to consult their faculty advisor/supervisor before applying for WESKA.

The Carson College is offering WESKA at no cost to the WSU graduate and post-doctoral community, with the generous support of Carson College donors. Breakfast and lunch are provided daily. Housing assistance is available to interested students coming from campuses beyond Pullman.


Stephanie Rink, Carson College of Business, 509-335-8150,